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Old 10-23-2012, 10:22 AM #652
My backpack's got jets
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thats an interesting idea, but it looks like it would be a part prone to failure
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Boneyard Paintball in Plymouth, WI
Stinger Paintball Designs for your custom grips
"Reminds me of the kids that bolt on exhausts, wings and vinyl cutouts onto their rice mobiles and then hate on a ground up resto rodded 69 Camaro" -OPBN
"Due to the Berzerkers rep and knowledge of Mag awesomeness, the opposing team dropped their markers and are actually out of the frame curled up in fetal positions" -OPBN... Again
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Old 10-26-2012, 05:42 PM #653
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Originally Posted by asngt007 View Post

you sir have no appreciation for the creative process this man has been able to accomplish, he went from concept and idea to completion of design translating french to poor English and viceversa. This **** you talk about is not easy. so, ignoring your childish and absurd comments please leave and never come back.
Maybe i phrased that the wrong way... was just giving some cc i respect his process but he does need to step back and actually sculpt with the epoxy itself before he cakes it on his work. I'm still following this thread and expecting big things. If you can't take criticism I don't know what to tell you.
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Old 10-27-2012, 12:48 AM #654
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brazy-u supports Ninja Paintball
"Jedihippie" tu dois probablement avoir raison et pour confirmer ça, j'ai tenté de faire
des simulations mécanique et de flux de particules avec autodesk inventor mais finalement ce
sont deux outils très largement hors de ma portée, pourtant je te prie de croire que
les résultats m'intéresses

"Jedihippie" you should probably be right and to confirm this, I tried to
mechanical simulations and particle flux with autodesk inventor but ultimately it
Both tools are largely out of my reach, but I beg you to believe that
results interest me

Last edited by brazy-u : 10-27-2012 at 03:28 AM.
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Old 11-02-2012, 02:52 PM #655
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Avec le peu d'images que j'ai trouvé sur le web du moteur du démon (version 2013).
j'ai tenter d'imaginer son fonctionnement mais à la lecture de la description de
l'upgrade j'ai dû forcément me tromper: il y est écrit qu'il n'y a qu'un seul
nouveau perçage du corps (pour l'extraction) moi j'ai dû en faire deux: un pour
l'alimentation permanente de la valve à la pression de service
(le fait de mettre la valve sous pression permet entre autres de la forçai par
déséquilibre des surfaces de poussée à se déplacer vers l'arrière (quand elle n'est
plus contrainte par des forces extérieures))
et l'autre pour la
distribution de la commande du solénoïde , il y a aussi un ressort que je ne vois
nul part,
donc je suppose qu'il est à peu près à la même place que sur le luxe (pour éviter
de blesser les joints) (et peut être aussi pour une question d'esthétique)).
Le ressort doit probablement être conique pour rester en place (coincé dans une
Je pense que détendu il ne doit pas permettre l'ouverture du power tube/la chambre
de tir pour éviter qu'à la mise sous pression en air du système il puisse y avoir
un coup intempestif.
Je suppose que c'est ce ressort (en amorçant le décollage), plus(+) les joints dur (qui
réduisent la surface de friction), plus(+) l'augmentation du volume de la chambre de tir
(qui assure un transfert d'énergie plus doux mais pendant plus(+) "longtemps")
qui ont permit de descendre la pression de 125 à 90 psi.

With little of images which I found on Web of the engine of the devil (version 2013).
I have to try to imagine his(her,its) functioning but in the reading of the
description of the upgrade I had to necessarily make a mistake: it is written there
that there is only an only new drilling of the body (for the extraction) I I had to
make two: one for the permanent food(supply) of the valve in the service pressure
(the fact of putting the valve under pressure allows among others of forced her(it)
by imbalance of the surfaces of push to move towards the back (when she(it) is not
any more forced by outside strengths)) and the other one for the distribution(casting)
of the command(order) of the solenoid, there is also a spring(competence) which I see
no leaves, thus I suppose that he(it) is about on the same place(square) as on the
luxe ((To avoid hurting joints) (and can be also for a question of aesthetics)).
The spring(competence) must probably be conical to stay ready(in position)
(clamped in a throat(breast)).
I think that relaxed he does not have to allow the opening of the power tube/la bring
to room temperature of shooting(firing) to avoid that in the putting under pressure in
air(sight) of the system he can have an inconvenient blow there.
I suppose that this spring(competence) (while beginning(priming) the take-off), more
(+) joints hard (which reduce the surface of friction), more (+) the increase of the
volume of the room(chamber) of shooting(firing) (which assures(insures) a softer
transfer of energy but during more (+) "for a long time") which have allowed to
lower(to go down) the pressure from 125 to 90 psi.

sur la seule photo où on voit la "can" (sans la valve) c'est difficile de se rendre
compte s'il y a une différence d'épaisseur de section de la "can"
mais dans mon hypothèse elle est indispensable alors je l'ai dessiné
la section est plus fine vers l'arrière de ce fait les surface avant et arrière de
la valve ne sont pas égales, la surface arrière de la valve étant légèrement plus
grande le déséquilibre de pousser produira un mouvement vers l'arrière (a condition
qu'il n'y est pas de contraintes extérieures)

On the only photo where we see the "can" (without the valve) it is difficult to
realize if there is a difference of thickness of section of the "can" but in my
hypothesis she(it) is indispensable then I drew him(it) the section is finer towards
the back of this fact surfaces them before and back of the valve are not equal, the
back surface of the valve being slightly bigger the imbalance to grow will produce a
movement towards the back (provided that there is no external constraints)

Y a-t-il un décaisser ?

Y he disburse one?

je suppose qu'il y a un petit décaisser qui permet d'avoir la face arrière de la
valve un peu plus volumineuse

I guess there's a little disburse that allows for the rear of the
valve slightly bulkier

première hypothèse peu probable à mon avis
parce que je ne vois pas de force qui peut ramener la valve en avant

first hypothesis unlikely in my opinion
because I see no force that can bring the valve forward

ici la valve jouerait à peu près le rôle de l'ancienne QEV.

here the valve play about the role of the old QEV.

ici je respecte le cota de nouveau percement mais je n'arrive pas à comprendre d'où
la force qui ramène la valve vers l'avant ( sachant que je n'ose pas imaginer que le
retour vers l'avant de la valve soit produit/assuré par l'effet seringue/piston)

here I respect cota new piercing but I can not understand where
force which brings the valve forward (knowing that I can not imagine that the
back to the front of the valve is produced/provided by the effect syringe/piston)


hypothèse la plus probable pour la position du ressort mais qui colle pas avec la photo.
(moteur en phase de tir)

deuxième hypothèse plus probable du point de vue du fonctionnement mais qui colle pas
du tout avec le descriptif

The most probable hypothesis to the position of the spring, but that does not fit with the picture.
(motor in shooting phase )

second assumption most likely in terms of the operation, but that does not fit
all with the descriptive

Last edited by brazy-u : 11-02-2012 at 03:49 PM.
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Old 11-02-2012, 03:06 PM #656
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ressort conique camouflé (en phase d'attente)

conical spring camouflaged (phase out)

ressort conique camouflé et complètement détendu (en phase de tir)

conical spring hidden and completely relaxed (in shooting phase)

dans ma déduction probablement erronée: Hors de contraintes la valve dois toujours se
déplacer vers l'arrière

probably wrong in my deduction: Out of constraints valve must always
move backward


quelques personnes pourraient (à juste titre) me repprocher de ne pas poster certains
de mes dessins dans la section du forum approprié.
mais je fais ça pour plusieurs raisons:
-Je veux centraliser mes productions.
-Je ne suis jamais sûr de ce que je dessine et j'imagine que dans cette section du
forum j'aurais plus de chance de tomber sur des personnes capable de corriger mes
-Je veux rester discret pour ne pas risquer de provoquer des situations de mal
entre les marques et leurs clients, en prétendant qu'ils peuvent faire mieux alors
que je
n'y connais rien.
-Finalement, je veux avant tout mettre mes idées à l'épreuve ici.

bien entendu ce n'est certainement pas la méthode la plus efficace, si je
m'adressais directement au fabricant/constructeur il pourrait me décrire le
cheminement de leur choix.
Mais d'un autre point de vue: moins la réponse est accessible plus je dois cogiter
/imaginer une solution et c'est probablement là que se trouve pour moi la plus grosse
source de plaisir

some people could (rightfully) not repprocher me post some
my drawings in the appropriate forum section.
but I do this for several reasons:
-I want to centralize my productions.
-I am never sure what I draw and I guess in this section
forum I would have more chance of getting people able to correct my
-I want to be discreet to avoid the risk of causing harm situations
between brands and their customers, claiming they can do better then
know nothing.
-Finally, I want first of all to put my ideas to the test here.

Of course this is certainly not the most effective method, if I
was speaking directly to the manufacturer / builder could describe me
path of their choice.
But from another point of view: the answer is less accessible more I must cogitate
/ imagine a solution and this is probably for me is that the largest
source of pleasure

Last edited by brazy-u : 11-02-2012 at 03:55 PM.
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Old 11-12-2012, 09:59 AM #657
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Old 11-12-2012, 10:07 AM #658
My backpack's got jets
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you're crazy and I love you for it
Inspire Photography <-- My photography page
Boneyard Paintball in Plymouth, WI
Stinger Paintball Designs for your custom grips
"Reminds me of the kids that bolt on exhausts, wings and vinyl cutouts onto their rice mobiles and then hate on a ground up resto rodded 69 Camaro" -OPBN
"Due to the Berzerkers rep and knowledge of Mag awesomeness, the opposing team dropped their markers and are actually out of the frame curled up in fetal positions" -OPBN... Again
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Old 11-12-2012, 10:15 AM #659
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Old 11-17-2012, 10:57 AM #660
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Too thin. Thickness equivalent to disposable cookware.

No. Titanium will not help.
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Old 11-18-2012, 12:04 PM #661
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Salut "Password1"
Merci beaucoup pour le rébus, là au moins je suis à peu près sûre d'avoir tout compris! en plus ça m'a beaucoup amusé!

Hi "Password1"
Thank you very much for the rebus, there at least I am about safe(sure) to have understood(included) everything! In more that amused a lot to me!

__________________________________________________ _____

Cette zone est le berceau: elle est composée du socle et des barrières.
Les barrières non pour rôle que de retenir la pile (ou les batteries (quand le
grip arrière est retirer)) ce qui représente un effort mécanique relativement
négligeable; par contre le socle (qui est beaucoup plus massif) lui doit encaisser des efforts mécaniques plus important qui seront transférées ou communiquer par le grip arrière

Le biseautage est profilé pour s'accoupler avec les courbes du corps du gun, donc une fois emboîté les lèvres sont renforcées.

This area is the cradle: it is composed of the base and barriers.
Barriers to non-role to retain the battery (or batteries (when rear grip is removed)) which is a relatively mechanical stress negligible in against the base (which is much more massive) it must absorb mechanical stresses to be transferred more important or communicate the rear grip

Beveling is shaped to mate with the contours of the body of the gun, so followed once the lips are enhanced

__________________________________________________ ____________

ici je veux me servir d'un objet commun (un Ouvre-Boites) pour donner une référence d'épaisseur

here I want to use a common object (an opener Boxes) to give a reference of thickness
__________________________________________________ _________

Ici c'est une pièce du reg du Mini (très fine et dans un matériau quasiment non ferromagnétique ( peut être un alliage d'aluminium ultra dur ) et pourtant mécaniquement très résistante.
Bien sûr le couple de force qui va s'appliquer sur cette petite pièce comparer (potentiellement) à celle sur le berceau n'est pas du tout comparable.
Mais une fois le grip de la poignée arrière réenclencher les barrières du berceau ne sont plus soumise à des contraintes néfaste

petit aimant en néodyme puissant

Here is a part of the reg Mini (very thin and almost non-ferromagnetic material (can be aluminum alloy ultra hard), yet mechanically very strong.
Of course the torque force that will be applied to compare this small room (potentially) that the cradle is not at all comparable.
But once the grip of the rear handle cradle reset barriers are no longer constrained harmful

small powerful neodymium magnet

__________________________________________________ __________

__________________________________________________ ____________

Pourquoi dis tu que le titane (ou plutôt un alliage de titane) ne pourrai pas
faire l'affaire?

Est ce que j'avais bien compris ton précédent post?

Why do you say that the titanium (or rather a titanium alloy) will not be able
do the trick?

Is what I understood your previous post?
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Old 11-18-2012, 12:10 PM #662
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Old 11-22-2012, 02:54 AM #663
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construction du mannequin qui me servira à décrire les choix qui m'ont dirigé

construction of the model that I used to describe the choices that led me

Construction of the model which will serve me to describe the choices which managed me

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Old 12-02-2012, 11:12 AM #664
outkast kid
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I greatly question your edge flow choices.
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Old 12-04-2012, 01:26 PM #665
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Salut! malheureusement il va falloir s'armer de beaucoup de patience parce que je suis tombé sur un nouveau défi qui m'excite beaucoup: tenter de comprendre le fonctionnement et en même temps faire une modélisation à partir de photos et vidéos trouvées sur le web du hk p7 m8 et le Strike One "Strizh" pistol de Arsenal Firearms,
Et cela va me demander beaucoup beaucoup de temps

Hello! Unfortunately he(it) is going to need to arm(equip) itself with a lot of patience because I fell on a new challenge which incites me a lot: try to understand(include) the functioning and at the same time to make a modelling from photos and videos found on Web of the hk p7 m8 and Strike One " Strizh " pistol of Arsenal Firearms,
And it is going to ask me a lot a lot of time(weather)

Hi! Unfortunately we'll have to arm yourself with a lot of patience because I came across a new challenge that excites me a lot: trying to understand the operation and at the same time make a model from photos and videos found on the web hk p7 m8 and Strike One "Strizh" pistol Arsenal Firearms,
And it will ask me many many times

Au risque de déplaire encore à un bon pote à moi ("bounty") je posterais discrètement quelques résultats de mes hypothèses / suppositions ici quand j'aurais bien avancé (parce que même si ce n'est absolument pas le sujet des forums de pbnation peut être que quelqu'un d'entre vous a déjà manipuler un de ces modèles et aura la bonté de me renseigner avec des photos (en privé pour n'irriter personne)

At the risk of displeasing still a good buddy to me (" bounty ") I would post discreetly some results(profits) of my hypotheses / suppositions here when I would have moved forward well (because even if it is not absolutely the subject of the forums of pbnation can be that somebody of you already has to treat(manipulate) one of these models and will have the kindness to inform me With photos (in private to irritate nobody)

At the risk of displeasing still a good friend of mine ("bounty") I'll post some results of my discreetly assumptions / suppositions here when I have progressed well (because even if it is not absolutely topic forums pbnation maybe someone of you has already handle one of these models will have the goodness to inform me With photos (in private only irritate person)

Last edited by brazy-u : 12-04-2012 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 12-04-2012, 02:38 PM #666
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je viens de réaliser que le fonctionnement du Strike One "Strizh" pistol de Arsenal Firearms, est tellement simple que finalement je ne le dessinerai pas.
C'est toujour ça de gagné!

I just realized that the operation of Strike One "Strizh" pistol Arsenal Firearms, is so simple that I finally do not draw you.
It is alway something gained!

I have just realized that the functioning of the strike One " Strizh " pistol of Arsenal Firearms, is so simple that finally I shall draw him(it) Is always that to gain(win)!
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Old 12-29-2012, 12:40 PM #667
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God this thread.... everytime i come in here this guy borders insanity and genius (thats a good thing) i think password is probably right though the frame would buckle from a hard dive especially the trigger guard, it looks paper thin. When i saw that frame though i was like wow its coming together for him, i like how you are trying to come up with an ergonomic frame but seeing the pictures after that with all molding on the back kinda ruins it for me. I would take a functional frame as your render and then build off that. Also why is the "asa" part threaded? Are you planning on connecting a garden hose to it? Also the way you align the balls on the previous page is a really neat idea but it seems much more complicated then need be, i just see that causing alot of chopping.
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Old 01-08-2013, 03:20 AM #668
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Salut DuckWalk et bonne année à toi (comme à tous les autres)

sans aucun doutes il va y avoir beaucoup de corrections à apporter entre ce
projet virtuel/(délire) et la dernière version physique (fiable et fonctionnelle),
mais comme toujours j'apprécie ce genre d'intervention qui m'ouvre les yeux sur les
faiblesses de mes rêves

Pourrais tu me faire un petit dessin (même tout pourri) qui me permettrait
de visualiser les erreurs que tu as trouvé (en particulier pour le système

Pour la description (précise) des raisons structurelles du gun et en particulier du
asa il faudra encore patienter quelques mois le temps que je finisse mon mannequin 3d
et surtout que j'apprenne à le manipuler pour faire des animations explicite.
Mais en attendant plus de détails visuel, il est né sous la contrainte de quelques
besoin comme :
-La Régulation précise de tout le système sur un seul étage.
-Un Flow d'air gargantuesque
-Un gros volume d'air régulé à la pression de service
-(En mode tir) un Profil du régulateur lisse épousant la fin de mon avant
-(En mode course) mon avant bras doit être parallèle à la bouteille et en contact
avec elle sur une grande surface pour un meilleur contrôle du gun à la réception des
sauts (et aussi pendant la course)
-Un épaulage du gun ferme en gardant mes voies respiratoires les plus dégagé possible
-une visibilité logique et rapide des pressions du système
-Etc etc..


Hello DuckWalk and good year to you (as in all the others)

Without any doubts he(it) is going to have many corrections there to be brought
between this virtual project/(frenzy) and the last physical version
(reliable and functional), but as usual I appreciate(estimate) this kind(genre) of
intervention which opens me eyes on the weaknesses of my dreams

Could you be made a small drawing (even quite rotten) which would allow me to
visualize(display) the errors that you found (in particular for the system of

For the (precise) description of the structural reasons of the gun and in particular
the asa it will again be necessary to wait a few months the time(weather) when I
finish my 3d model and especially that I learn to treat(manipulate) him(it) to make
animations explicit.

But while waiting for more details picture, he was born under duress of some need as:
-The Regulation specifies of all the system on a single floor(level).
-Flow of gargantuan air(sight)
-A big volume of air(sight) regulated in the service pressure
-(in mode(fashion) shooting(firing)) a Profile of the regulator smooths marrying the
end of my before arm/(wrist)
-(In mode(fashion) I before arm chase) must be parallel to the bottle and in touch
with her on a hypermarket(large surface) for a better control of the gun in the r
eception of the jumps (and also during the running(race))
-A épaulage of the gun closes by keeping(guarding) my respiratory
tracts the most clear possible
-A logical and fast visibility of the pressures of the system
-Etc. etc...

(traduction par


Hi and happy new year Duckwalk you (like all others)

no doubt there will be many corrections between the
virtual project/(delirium) and the latest physical (functional and reliable)
but as always I appreciate this kind of intervention that opens my eyes to the
weaknesses of my dreams

Could you do me a small drawing (even rotten) that would allow me
view the errors you found (especially for the system supply)

For the description (precise) structural reasons and the gun in particular
asa it will have to wait a few months while I finish my 3d model
and above all that I learn to manipulate to make explicit animations.

But in the meantime visual details, he was born under the constraint of some
as needed:
-Precise control of the entire system on a single floor.
-Flow of air one gargantuan
-A large volume of air at regulated pressure
-(shooting mode) a smooth regulator Profile marrying before the end of my/arm (wrist)
-(running mode) my forearms should be parallel to the cylinder and contact
with it a large surface area for better control of the gun to the receipt of
jumps (and also during the race)
-Épaulage of a gun farm keeping my airways clear most feasible
-visibility and fast logic system pressures
-etc etc. ..

(traduction par


Last edited by brazy-u : 01-08-2013 at 03:31 AM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 03:30 AM #669
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gif animé


ps: tout les dessin sont avec le gun qui fonctionne sur le système à pression constante

all are drawing the gun running on the system at constant pressure
(traduction par

Everything drawing are with the gun which works on the system with constant pressure
(traduction par

Last edited by brazy-u : 01-08-2013 at 04:06 AM.
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Old 01-16-2013, 08:20 AM #670
The Moose God
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Whoaaah - that is my old Demon that you used the images for a few posts up
For Freelance 3D Rendering Services, Manual Writing Service or Setting Up Support Ticket Systems visit here: My Services Thread
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Old 01-18-2013, 04:34 AM #671
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umm... woah
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Old 01-18-2013, 11:30 AM #672
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brazy-u supports Ninja Paintball
Salut WildWayz
C'est génial que toi (l'auteur de ces photos) tu ai pu les retrouver sur mon fil
et surtout que tu te sois fait reconnaître.
Cela me permet de te demander si tu serais d'accord de partager plus d'images
(des modifications apportées au Demon)

(même si la qualité des clichés n'est pas aussi bonne que celle du dessus)


Hi WildWayz
It's great that you (the author of these photos) you've been able to find on my thread
and especially that you be made ​​to recognize.
This allows me to ask you if you would agree to share more images
(changes to the Demon)

(even if the quality of the pictures is not as good as the above)

thank you
(traduction par

Hello WildWayz
It is brilliant that you (the author of these photos) you was able to find them on my thread and especially that you are recognized.
It allows me to ask you if you would agree to share more images (modifications brought to Demon)

( Even if the quality of clichés(pictures) is not also good as that of the top)

Thank you

(traduction par
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